Permanent Eyebrows
At the appointment for your eyebrow treatment, I will mix a colour, using pigments from the TINA Davies Perma Blend range that are non-toxic and hypo-allergenic closest to your natural hair colour taking into consideration your skin tone along with the tone that you like to wear your eyebrows. I will pre-draw the shape along with mapping and measuring your face.
When and only when you are happy with the shape drawn and the colour selected, I will begin to apply the pigment with hand held microblade tools and/or the machine. When you are completely happy with the finished shape and effect a pigment seal will be applied to the area to aid healing and to help the colour last longer. You will be provided with full aftercare instructions along with a post treatment cream. A follow up appointment will be booked for 6 weeks after your first appointment. At the follow up appointment we will re-map and measure and fill in any areas or indeed ad to if this is required. There is no additional charge for the 6 week follow up.

Hairstroke and soft powder

Natural hairstrokes

Natural hairstrokes
Microblading/ Natural Hairstrokes
Carried out using a handheld tool. Great for those with little to no brow hair or those who require missing hairs to sparce areas, fronts and tails to be added. This treatment offers a really natural look to your brows.
Combination Brows
Carried out using a handheld tool and machine. Great for those with little to no brow hair or missing patches of hair but wanting a slightly darker finish.
Soft Powder
Carried out using a machine. Great for those with good natural brows but wanting a soft powdered effect, similar to that of using an eyebrow powder.
Block/ Heavy Powder
Carried out using a machine, Great for darker skin or those wanting a heavy, make up look.
Carried out using a machine giving a powdery finish with a softer front and darker tail.
Before and After